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II International Conference Seismic – 2018

Conference title
Problems of Earthquake Resistance in Cultural Heritage Monuments Protection and Civil Engineering
Georgia, Tbilisi
Proclamation download >>>>

- Mr. Iuri Svanidze M.ASCE – ECCE ExBo Member, President of Georgian Society of Civil Engineers (GSCE)
- Mr. Wlodzimierz Szymczak – Acting President of European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE)
- Mr. Alfonso Gonzalez Fernandez - President of World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE)
- Academician, Mr. Giorgi Kvesitadze - President of Georgian National Academy of Sciences (GNAS)
- Dr. Kenneth D.Walsh - Dean of San Diego State University - Georgia (SDSU)
- Mr. Nikoloz Antidze - Director General Of National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia
- Prof. Gela Kipiani – President of NGO “Progress in Education and Science” Georgia
Dear Colleague, Due to your recognized research and reputation in the area of civil engineering, the Organizing Committee of the II International Conference: Problems of Earthquake Resistance in Cultural Heritage Monuments Protection and Civil Engineering June 29- July 02.
List of Sections:
- Seismic resistance of construction mechanisms and structures
- Seismic resistance of hydraulic structures
- Seismic resistance of roads ,bridges and tunnels
- Buildings designing and constructions considering seismic impacts
- Rehabilitation of cultural monuments
- Constructions Economics and management
The Programme of the Conference includes plenary lectures (45m), invited lectures (45m), reports at sessions (20m), special sessions (20m), poster session. And social/ networking events.
Papers for the Proceedings: PROCEEDINGS (in a book form) of only refereed papers (up to 8 pages for contributed talks and up to 12 pages for key lectures) will be published. Each paper publication must be covered by separate registration fee.
Conference Location: Georgian National Academy of science, Tbilisi, Georgia
Contact Address: Tbilisi, Shota Rustaveli ave. 52; 0108
Conference E-mail: Seismic
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Chairman: Mr. Iuri Svanidze, E-mail :
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Co-Chairman: Dr. Kenneth D.Walsh
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Co-Chairman: Prof. Gela Kipiani
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Conference Secretary: Salome Kilanava
Tel: (+ 995 32) 2 311 611
E-mail :
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Conference Fee: The conference fee covers a reception, an excursion, welcome party, conference dinner, a volume with the abstracts, the expenses for publishing of the submitted paper and some other materials. It is for: Non-students: 350 EURO; Students: 100 EURO; Accompanying person: 100 EURO.
Deadline for registration: 10 March, 2018
Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 March, 2018
Notification of acceptance: 15 May, 2018
Deadline for submissions of the full paper: May 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance of the full paper: May 15, 2018
Conference Overview:
Evening Welcome Reception: 29 June 2018
Conference Presentation Days: 30 June – 1 July 2018
Conference Dinner: 1 July 2018
Optional Tours: 2 July 2018
Early Bird Fee
Fee A: Oral presentation e poster (author N 1)
€ 350
Fee B: Students and PhD. Students
€ 100
Fee C: Publishing only
€ 100
Fee E: Participant without paper
€ 100
Fee F: Accompanying persons
€ 100
Registration fee to the Conference includes
- publication in paper and electronic form,
- meals,
- recreational program.
Cost of travel and accommodation is not included in the registration fee.
The organizers do not organize the journey and book hotels for participants of the conference (list of hotels will be provided at a later stage).
The fee should be paid in Euro into the following bank account by May 15, 2018
Intermediary Bank: Commerzbank, Frankfurt, Germany; SWIFT; COBADEFF
Account With Institution: Bank of GEORGIA, SWIFT; BAGAE22; 29a Gagarin street, Tbilisi 0160, Georgia
Account: GE76BG0000000346979500
Tel: (995 32) 2444 444
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